The Enterprise Program at Michigan Tech
Enterprises are student-led companies embracing rich experiences in engineering design, team building, project management, and end-to-end original product development. Just as in Senior Design, enterprise teams work under the direction of a faculty advisor.
The program gives teams of students from various disciplines the opportunity to work for several semesters in a business-like setting to solve real-world engineering problems supplied by industry partners. There are currently 26 different enterprise teams at Michigan Tech.
Sponsors get the opportunity to work with a university research team to achieve real solutions and make professional connections with these students. Students get to pick the enterprise team that matches their interests, so they are self motivated and willing to put the time into finding a solution. Enterprise creates great leaders that are used to working in team environments and ready to solve real problems in industry .
To learn more about becoming a sponsor, please visit the Enterprise Program Sponsorship and Giving page.
Students get the opportunity to make connections with industry and gain valuable experience to kick start their careers. Most Michigan Technological University departments offer enterprise as an alternative capstone project to the senior design program which allows the student to choose a project that matches their specific interests.
To learn more, please visit the Enterprise Website.

Advanced Metalworks Enterprise
Our Enterprise team is based out of the MTU Materials Science & Engineering Department and the MTU Mechanical Engineering Technology Department. We primarily focus on materials performance and manufacturing process research. We develop solutions in R&D, production, and maintenance for our sponsors using the help of MTU faculty, staff, and laboratories.